
Showing posts from December, 2011

Ale gets Shadowgun running on YDPG18!

Ale reports success in getting Shadowgun – this game - running on the YDPG18!: Ale writes : I got Shadowgun working on my Yinlips. Using chainfire3d openGL driver, I installed the nvidia plugin and reduced texture size. Graphically means a little blocky textures but the game is still fantastic to see and very smooth to play. Unfortunately qbertaddict says he couldn't make chainfire work on his g18 because of a script deleting it at every boot... I'm not sure how I can run it because it's my first android machine and I'm not such a guru (yet...:-)) I had to reset to factory defaults my yinlips a couple of times and the second one I couldn't backup all my apps so maybe my current configuration works with chainfire by pure chance... and I DON'T reccomend it, cause I lost some stuff. If someone knows how to do it properly maybe it would help... Anyway, Shadowgun ro...

Quake 2 and Quake 3 on YDPG18

Psx4all Edition 5 in English for Dingux

Psx4all Edition 5 in English Notes: In English Retrieved from bug "Fixed arrows crazy ".----- (The arrows on the menu were not moving properly). Now it 100% functional. (I was not starting correctly.) Added suport to format rom (.mdf) Added interlace count level is well 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. There is a bug in the selection, but nothing to stop you. (Black lines on the screen so there will increase performance). Added cycle multiplyquer by 18. (some games work) (Recommended start cycle multiplyquer by 10 after opening the game menu you can change up to 18.) (Increases speed in some games). For flpstrquerendoumdingoo! Credits: Good help was indirect but : Shin Nill -tutorial that motivated me to develop for Dingux by ubuntu. bbruno after releasing the firmware I...

The Gemei G2 - Don’t buy this for the arcade games … it seems a decent table though!

Description: Gemei G2 Tablet PC is a slim Andriod Tablet with 7-inch big capacitive multi-touch screen that measures only 10mm thick. In the form of computer data storage, the unit has a 1GB of DDR3 RAM and an 8GB for stored memory with an access to a microSD card slot for extra data storage when needed. Also, it is equipped with 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity services for ease and cozy Internet use as well as HDMI 1.4 output port for HD TV bond. Features: Android v2.3 operating system 7.0 inch capacitive touch screen, 800 x 480 pixels 1.5GHz ARM Cortex-A10 processor Mail 400 GPU 1GB DDR3 RAM, 8GB internal memory Micro SD memory card slot, External memory can up to 32GB 2160p super HD video playback support Front facing camera 3G module support, WiFi connectivity HDMI port Built-in speakers ...

YDPG18 and JXD S7100 News

I received the following news from Allen at We bring you some news about the YPDG18 and JXD S7100. Currently, the YPDG18 is out of stock now. We may restock it back on 10th, Jan. The factory is making a new version for YPDG18 whose capacity will rank from 2GB,4GB to 8GB( the one we sold before is with 4GB but comes with a 4GB memory card). This new updated version will come out soon. We will let you know as soon as we get it back. For JXD S7100, the factory is considering the one with resistive screen( the one we sold is capacitive screen). We will let you know as soon as we get the new one. If JXD develop an S7100 with a resistive screen, I’d hope the price will come way down! IMHO, that’s the only redeeming feature of the S7100.

Yinlips YDPG18 Forum open for business

It’s kinda a little clear that Android consoles with gaming controls are the next wave of emulation hardware that will hit the sweet spot for people like you and me who hang around these parts. An Android gaming console is no Dingoo – but it is certainly a close spiritual cousin, IMHO. All we can do in this little corner of the internet is plant a few seeds, so if you have questions or wish to discuss anything about the Yinlips YDPG18, feel free to post them In the forum and jump onboard! And let me know how I can help improve things for you all! Onwards, folks!

Dingoo-scene Yinlips YDPG Forum

Join our budding YDPG/Android Gaming Console Forum, and post away! Yinlips YDPG18 Forum

Amiga joy (UAE4ALL) on YDPG18!

  qbertaddict1: Short tutorial/gameplay video of UAE4Droid. It runs really well except for games that use a mouse for all the gameplay. The games run but moving the mouse around is a little frustrating. The mouse buttons however do not cause an issue. Here is hoping that a update will fix the small issues the yinlips has with the touchscreen.

qbertaddict recommends some android games for YDPG18

… and with games like these, who needs emulation?:)

Winner for 21 December … and the frickin’ Dingoo A330!

The winner for 21 December of 1 x USB mail notifier is Nicholas James, of Oxfordshire, United Kingdom! And the lucky winner of the Grand Prize, 1 x Dingoo A330 is Izabel Jessenby of Sydney, Australia! Congratulations to all lucky winners, and thanks to to everyone who entered!

Another Android “Console” – The JXD S7100

BAFelton brings news of a 7 inch Android Console with Controls, and a Capacitive Screen! Here's a new competitor Video : 7 inches is pretty goddamn massive for a gaming console though – no slipping this one into your jeans! No shoulder buttons either. If you want to buy one, can use taobao; here for instance , or you can go with the nice folk at , who have it for sale here: for $139.99, postage included!

fceu320 v0.3 beta for OpenDingux!

fceu320 v0.3 beta for OpenDingux! December 20, 2011, 02:28:25 PM by qbertaddict DiegoSLTS has ported FECU320 to OpenDingux! Quote Hi, I've made a new version of FCEU320 that works in OpenDingux. It's based on version 0.3 from ValdikSS, the main changes are: - Input uses /dev/event0 insted of /dev/mem. - Audio uses libao instead of OSS. Samplerate is 16000, you can't change that, I'll try to fix that option later but with 16000 is playable and it doesn't sound that bad. - Some options were removed: general volume, brightness and overclocking. You can set overclocking on the link config in Gmenu2x and change brightness and volume with power+up/down/left/right. - New controls on menus: - - You can cycle through the menu, if you're at the top, press up to go to the bottom. If you're at the bottom, press down to return to the top. ...

10 Days of Dingoo … Winners for 15 Dec, 17 Dec and 19 Dec!

Hi there Dingoo fans!  The winner for 15 December, of 1 x USB heating blanket is Lydia Marks of Lilydale, Australia! The winner for 17 December, of 1 x Air guitar thing is Laure Etchegoyhen of Jurançon, France! The winner for 19 December, of 1 x Dingoo A380/A330 Wireless Controller is Ken Hughes of Ottawa Canada! Congratulations to all our lucky winners, and remember that the 23rd December Competition Day prize of 1 x Dingoo A330 is ALMOST HERE! Keep those entries coming!

A message from about shipping times for YDPG18

I’ve got a lot of faith in – they’ve been very good to this site, and always done everything they’ve said they would do. To the winners of the Dingoo competitions, I hope some of your prizes will be arriving soon. I have no doubt you will all get them! Allen from requested I post this on their behalf, to explain a few things about shipping times from Shenzen, China, where they are based: To let more people know about our shipping policy, we wonder if you can post below shipping information for isharegifts: 1. Shipping from isharegifts will be arranged and send out on the next day after placing orders.( Each Yinlips_YDPG18 will be tested carefully before we send it out, which needs time) 2. Normally it will take about 15-20 business days to receive the item via Hongkong register air mail. Tracking number can be offered after contacted via Email. We suggest people can understand shipping will be a little dela...

Yinlips YDPG18 – Wifi connection between consoles for multiplayer (Netplay)

WiFi Multiplayer - Thanks to BAFelton!

How To Setup Emulators On The Yinlips YDPG18-HD (and check out Starfox, smooth as a baby’s … )

Thanks qbertaddict! Luckily you got one of these so soon before the rest of us!

Yinlips YDPG18 – Fix for updates to stock emulators

Elta shares: Re: New opensource console announced---The RG « Reply #253 on: December 17, 2011, 01:29:08 AM » Hello guys, I don't know if you have noticed that some emulators crash when you update them. (in particular, fpse) I have good news and bad news about it. The good news is that I solved the problem, the bad news is that the fix involves poking in the system partition, which means you could kill your machine by deleting the wrong file. If you don't feel too sure of yourself, I would recommend moving the files into a temporary folder instead. Now the explanation: For some odd reason, the folks at Yinlips thought a good idea to copy some libraries, normally found in application APKs directly into /system/lib . As far as I can tell, this is completely useless. Now the problem is that the libraries in /system/lib have priority over ones found in A...

Win a YDPG18 … or a Canoo!

Over at the GP32x forums , the Open Consoles Community , supported by and jumiss are offering the chance to win a YDPG18 (1st Prize) or a Caanoo (2nd prize!). Enter now! The Open Consoles Community is proud to announce a SPECIAL EVENT ! The Christmas Contest scheduled 17th and 18th december 2011 is now sponsored by the online shop IshareGifts . Thus, it's not ONE gift that we offer, but TWO . the first prize will be the brand new Yinlips YDP-G18 ! Thank you IshareGifts for this great honor . The competition will be tough to hope to win first prize. But don't worry, the second prize is just as exceptional since a brand new Caanoo can be won ! Thank you To.Jumiss for your donation. S...

YDPG18 FAQ Updated

The Yinlips YDPG18 Forum Mashup FAQ here has been updated … and I’ll keep updating, for as long as y’all continue to find out more about this great new console! Go now !

PSX4All NT Edition

PSX4All NT Edition December 16, 2011, 02:58:32 PM by jagotu Finally some changes to the psx4all emulator! It's still in beta, it's not in english, it's said to be buggy, BUT it seems somebody is actually working on it! Quote Hello guys! So, it's christmas, and i decided to release an update to the old PSX4ALL emulator! History: Added interlace count 5 to the list (now its 1,3,5,7) Maximum frameskip is now 15 Maximum cycle multiplier is now 14 Translated to PT-BR (english very soon!) Removed menu bugs with old PT-BR translation (OpÃ$Ãnes agora fica Opcoes.) Changelog to version3: Fixed OD issue Fixed more menu translation problems (arrow/selection issue) Don't forget folks! Im still workin on the emulator, so, dont expect things to go perfectly ! Discuss it here: http:/...

10 Days of Dingoo Competition – Winners for 11 December and 13 December!

The winner for 11 December is Pascal Roublot of Cherbourg Octeville, France, who wins 1 x Frickin’ Angry Bird ! And the winner for 13 December is Sascha Grant of Flemington, Australia, who scores 1 x Sound Activated Christmas T Shirt ! Well done lucky winners, and remember, the competition continues, with prizes for 15 December, 17 December, 21 December, and the GRAND PRIZE on 23 December of a Dingoo A330 are still up for grabs!

Forum mashup FAQ: Why bother rooting the YDPG18?

spn-x, darth_llamah   and especially qbertaddict shed some light on an Android virgin’s questions, with some “dunnowadimdoon” editing from yours truly. Thank you dingoonity contributors! Want to find out more about the YDPG18, like why bother rooting the YDPG18? Essentially, to update the default emulators. Want to find out more? This is the place! Yinlips YDPG18 Forum Mashup FAQ – Last Updated: 24 Jan 2012 All wisdom here gathered from this thread: Q: Why/For what do I need z4root ? To root the device- this will allow you to: -make a proper backups (all apps and data) -remove not necessary apps from firmware, and get newer emulators running! -a lot of other things like tweaks etc Q: How do I root the device? A:

Yinlips YDPG-18 also makes it to Kotaku!

Image Actually – there’s coverage everywhere else too:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1333&bih=679&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ncl=dkAceKeL7r1HDhMbWeN7F0ZrQcQlM&ei=giDnTrPkIO2iiAfM-oTxCA&sa=X&oi=news_result&ct=more-results&resnum=4&ved=0CEoQqgIwAw

Yinlips YDPG18 makes it to Endgadget!


How to install Android market on Yinlips YDP-G18

How to install Android market on Yinlips YDPG18! You can grab the needed .apk's here: Why install the market? Check out this FAQ . 24 Jan 2012 update: One very easy way to do the above now (not that the above is that hard) is just to update to bitrider’s new firmware , which has root and market built in.

Yinlips YDPG18 N64 HDMI TV Out


10 Days of Dingoo - Winner for 9 December

We’re really gathering a fresh head of steam on this one, friends! Keep those entries coming in (11 December will win you a frickin’s Angry bird, for instance – and who can be without one?). You’ll be surprised how easy it is to win – send me an email now! The winner for 9 December 2011, who has scored 1 x Universal screen mount is Sieger van der Ploeg of Eindhoven, The Netherlands! Congratulations, Sieger. Do pop on over to our generous sponsors at , to check out their other wares!

qbertaddict’s YDPG18 Review

qbertaddict’s YDPG18 review is well worth watching for those interested in this promising little effinhuge gadget: qberaddicts is promising more emulator reviews: keep them coming please!

Yinlips YDPG18 Teardown – Pictures of the insides

Thanks to Qbertaddict: Go here for more:

PSX emulation and SCUMM VM on YDPG18

More PSX emulation on the Yinlips YDPG18: Smooth as … And Scumm runs with no worries!

Yinlips YDPG18 – How to enter recovery, and how to root

How to enter recovery menu, and root, the Yinlips YDPG 18: Why bother rooting the YDPG18? Check out this FAQ . 24 Jan 2012 update: One very easy way to do the above (not that the above is that hard) is just to update to bitrider’s new firmware , which has root built in.

Winner of 10 Days of Dingoo Competition – 7 December 2011

Congrats to Lionel Darbo, from Lo cap deu bosc, who has won the 7 Dec Prize of 1 x Cat piggy bank !

Angry Birds on Yinlips YDP-G18

Park park parkkk!

Winner of 10 Days of Dingoo Competition for 5 December

The winner of 1 x Angry Birds Iphone Case is Jonathan Khronic. Congratulations Jonathan the prize is headed your way! Keep those entries coming for the 7 December prize, folks!

The 10 Days of Dingoo Competition. Easier than falling off a bike …

The indomitable guys at can’t get enough of the eyeballs you all so generously donate, and although the response to their last sponsored competition was, shall we say, anaemic, you can’t keep a good ecommerce site down! They’re back for more, offering YOU, Dingoo fans, something to while the days away until the silly season truly explodes. And so today, I announce the 10 Days of Dingoo Competition, where if you can’t lift a finger to enter, then well, I fear for Gen Y. Starting 5 December 2011 , and then on 7 Dec, 9 Dec, 11 Dec, 13 Dec, 15 Dec, 17 Dec, 19 Dec, 21 Dec and 23 Dec (each date is a “Competition Day”), there’ll be one prize on offer each day. The grand prize on the 23rd is a frickin’ Dingoo A330, delivered to your door! All you have to do to win a prize is: On each Competition Day, email me at : In the Subject, INSERT THE COMPETITION DAY. In the Body, include Your...

Yinlips YDPG18 now for sale at USD$125.95 with Free Shipping

Scared of dealing with Taobao agents? Our very good friends at www.isharegifts .com currently have the Androoid based Yinlips YDPG 18 in stock for sale at USD$125.95 with FREE SHIPPING! If you’re interested: Click to enlarge YINLIPS Android Game Console WIFI Tablet MP4 SKU:[YDPG18] Retail Price: $0.00 Our Price: $125.95 Available Options: Color: blackwhite Availability: In stock Leaves Warehouse: 3 Business Days Air Mail: 15-25 business days DHL: 3-7 business days TNT: 3-7 business days Retro game console or Android tablet? This new YINLIPS WIFI Android Game Consol combines retro game console and tablet computer. Supporting supporting Emulates: NES, SNES, GB/GBC/GBA, Mega Drive, MAME, N64, PSX, Flash 10.X games . Allowing you to play games via WIFI connecting. At the same time, the Android 2.2 makes...