How to install Android market on Yinlips YDP-G18

How to install Android market on Yinlips YDPG18!

You can grab the needed .apk's here:

Why install the market? Check out this FAQ.

24 Jan 2012 update: One very easy way to do the above now (not that the above is that hard) is just to update to bitrider’s new firmware, which has root and market built in.


  1. thanks for the great vids!
    i've read that you can install market on the jxd-s601 using this same procedure. as you prolly know, megaupload is no more. can you upload the apk's to another site? or tell me where to get them? i have a jxd-s601. i'm not sure that bitrider's rom/firmware would on it.

  2. I would also like to know where I can download those apk's I have had my yinlips for 2 weeks now and love it.

  3. is there anywhere to get of list of the needed .apk's?

  4. You can get the required apk following the links posted on the description of this video:


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