My name is Bond. James Bond.

Everything is connected in today's world.  If you're surfing for Dingoos in 2015, you'll undoubtedly have come across websites based in China that are focused on only one thing: the production of every conceivable good, to fill the demand emanating from every inch of the infamous "long tail".

You won't of course have found any Dingoos for sale at acceptable prices - the Chinese factory system is brutal in it's rigour.  Look to something running Android and that scratches your back as well.  Often, competition works!

However, Christmas is practically (ok, kinda sorta ...)  around the corner, and if you're at a loss for what to procure as a gift to your most precious, you could do a lot lot worse than this.

You can find multiple listings on ebay or aliexpress if you concantenate "lighter" and "watch".  You won't find any if you search for it under the name it deserves: James Bond's frickin' watch.

That's what it should be called of course.


  1. good to see you back.

    What does this mean? I could not follow your thinking here. Can you add in some examples / evidence to make this clearer please.

    'You won't of course have found any Dingoos for sale at acceptable prices - the Chinese factory system is brutal in it's rigour. Look to something running Android and that scratches your back as well. Often, competition works!'

  2. Hi buddy, I'm glad you're all still out there! I was commenting on the fact that it is pretty hard to find a new dingoo nowadays, with the only likely sources being old stock on Aliexpress. My favourite machines in 2016 is something like the GPD XD, or, if you're after something spiritually like the dingoo, a GCW Zero. The GPD XD you can find easily. The GCW, not perhaps so easily. Don't take my word for it, I'm happy to be wrong! Who's bought a dingoo recently? Where? Share!

    Its much much easier to buy James Bond's lighter.

  3. Aye, I like this blog and I always am on the lookout for any new entry, as it is of interest.
    How would you evaluate a windows netbook with HDMI vs one of these Chinese machines for retro games? I know they do not share the same form factor etc.etc. but does it put prices in perspective?


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