Idiot’s Guide to installing Dingux using Windows released

With the release of FAT Dingux, it is now possible to install Dingux using only Windows!  As promised, here is The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Installing Dingux – Using Windoze Edition.  Grab the guide here in PDF, zipped here, or here for HTML.


18 October 2009 Update:  The above links will always contain the latest version of this guide. While the guide was written in July 2009, the technique shown in it remains the same as at the update date shown in green.  However, the guide refers to toddler’s or warped flash’s “” files, and contains links to these files, which are outdated. The links used to point to the A320 freeforums, until the dastardly Dan deleted them! Grab the latest version of the critical file, referred to in the guide here:,32.msg80.html#msg80


  1. this poster just blows my mind

  2. Great work, except there's a mistake. Page 10: you need to go to setup->about, then do the up-right-down-up-right-down business. Otherwise nothing will happen.

    Otherwise, wonderful work.

  3. gadgetmiser, thankyou for this guide. ive been wanting to install dingux for a while but honestly it looked a bit daunting. all of a sudden its a piece of piss, so thanks for that... went without a hiccup :D

  4. and thanks to booboo (and everyone else) who worked so hard to make this possible!

  5. im not getting this at all. how do you 'navigate' in command prompt?

    i think i have it, by typing in the directory. but when i type the command as its written it tells me ive done it wrong, and nothing happens? how EXACTLY are you supposed to write it? i have the files on 'h:\'. but i cant get it to flash.

  6. wow, this looks awesome, and just what i needed.. to bad my screen is cracked. I'll be back dingux... ill be back.

  7. @anonymous - to navigate in command prompt, use the CD command (change directory). When you type CMD, it will put you in some system/admin folder or something like that bu default ... type "CD \" to return to your root directory. Then (assuming your Dingux files) are in another directory off the root, type "CD [Directory name]". Your command shell should now be in the right directory, and you can execute the USBtool-win commands.

  8. i have a little problem. ive downloaded all of the correct dmenu and local files and unzipped them into my sd card. my dualboot works perfectly but doom and other games dont work and the emulators have blank black screens. are the roms supposed to be in a specific format? and the games themselves, are there files missing?
    pleez excuzz my noobness.

  9. oh yeah. and thanks to all who created this much easier installer!

  10. @halohalo9 - you need to put certain WAD files into the right folders for the 3d shooters to work. Get them here or from other "reputable" sources:): Shareware Wad Pack (Doom1.wad, Heretic.wad, Hexen.wad and Rise of the Triad data files.)

  11. I have followed all instructions on this site, yet when I reboot my Dingoo (holding select), it just stays on the black/white dingux screen and never launches into dmenu. Help!

    Adam Jones

  12. I get the black/white screen as well when I reboot and hold select. My guess is it can't find the files and folders on the SD card for some reason (if I remove or rename the folders it does the same thing). Is there anyway I can see exactly how the folder structure should be? When it says unzip everything in the zip file to the SD card does that mean the "local-0.6" folder should be on the card or only the contents of that?... please post if you have a sollution or ideas :)

  13. @dookie - only the contents of should be on the card. The contents should not be put into a folder on the miniSD card.

  14. Ok. So apparently this didn't work with a Kingston 8GB micro SD at all. I found an old noname 512MB micro SD instead and it all works perfectly... I've gotten a lot of help from this site so thanks a lot! :)

  15. I have a Kingston 8gb (class 4) and it works fine. He seems to left out a line when you burn the firmware however: usbtool-win 1 hwinit.bin 0x80000000 (not ctrl-c huh?). I also made sure to reformat the disk eventhough it was new. Works perfectly now.

  16. Err: no ctrl-c, since I had to retype the comment. Basically just follow the dual boot installer's README

  17. 2 Questions: how do i leave the snes-emulator and where do i have to put the doom.wad?

  18. @Gadgetmeiser: thanks for the help! the dingux/dingoo is chuck full of nostalgia. now if only i can figure out how to install PicoDrive...

  19. Ican follow the guide up til the flash firmware part, but i get stuck after opening the command shell bit.i cant seem to navigate to the dual boot files. How do you do it?.

  20. Hackin' is cool - like The Fonz!

  21. OK, I managed to get dingux up and running on my dingoo. i can run the games, and the pc ports (with the .wad files) but all of the emulators either boot me back out, or in the case of snes9x it locks up with blocks of red vibrating lines. anyone know what i could do to fix this?

  22. try putting roms into each emulator and it should boot

  23. Do you have vista Dark Glas?

  24. Obviously, who doesn't?!?!

  25. pretty sure he was Windows 7 ... so "NO" to the who doesn't... Vista sucks hugely & many others use Windows XP

  26. Someone should already Release a GUI version, to save us allthe hassle of reading the entire guide.

    I'm pretty sure this can be created

  27. Hi All,

    Really struggling to get the dualboot installed on a new Dingoo with official firmware v1.1. So far tried WinXP SP3, Ubuntu 9.04 and Vista.

    The flash programs appear to work the last flash command showing this:

    [INFO] File size: 3260416 bytes
    [INFO] Searching for device...
    [INFO] Found device, uploading application.
    [INFO] SET_DATA_ADDRESS to 0x80600000... Done!
    [INFO] Sending data... Done!
    [INFO] Verifying data... Done!
    [INFO] Booting device [STAGE1]... Done!

    But my Dingoo just sits there and does not show the flash screen.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



  28. Hello Chris

    I've the same problem

    My dingoo stays black?

    I tried other dualboots but it's still the same



  29. Hi Sandro,

    Glad to know I'm not the only one affected.

    I also tried using usb_boot. With the "boot 0" command I get a white screen on my dingoo. It appears to load the zImage correctly. But when I issue the last command:

    go 0x80600000 0

    My dingoo disconnects from the PC and I'm left with the white screen.

    I think this may be an issue facing newer dingoos?

    Any ideas or help would be much apreciated

  30. I bought a Dingoo two days ago and I have the same problem with a Kingston Mini SD 4Gb, Drivers are correctly installed and when execute the last command, installation menu doesn't appear in Dingoo screen.


  31. I managed to flash the dualboot onto my Dingoo. I tried everything and can't quite remember the steps. However, the final steps used usb_boot and I ran memtest 0x80600000 10 from the usb_boot console before booting the device.

    My thinking at the time was to try usbtool to load hwinit.bin then swap the device driver for usb_boot and use usb_boot to finish the process.

    It worked but I can't remember the exact steps. Hope the above helps.


  32. Hi Chris, Javier

    i'm still trying to run linux on my dingoo

    Now i'm making an virtualbox to run linux on it

    Maybe it's easier to boot the dingoo

    I have a mac (that's to difficult to boot)

    I tried also my girlfriend's laptop, she using vista ultimate but still no succes

    When i push select - reset than i can see the dingux penguen; then lines with text but it won't run it

    when i see the penguen a few seconds later my screen turns into black and i can only reset it again and again .......

    Hopely will i find this little problem

    Many greats from Belgium

    I will let know when it really works fine

  33. Hi Sandro,

    Sounds like your Mini SD card may not be setup correctly.

    I have a 4Gb card, which I formatted FAT32 on a Win XP box. I then unzipped to the root. You must remember to rename zImage-ILI9325 or zImage-ILI9331 to zImage depending on your LCD Controller.

    Hope that helps,


  34. Hi Chris

    Indeed, the problem was simpel

    I used windows xp to do it all again and yes now i'm running dingux

    Just amazing

    It wasn't so difficult but with vista i get always error problems

    Now can i play mame and stuff

    Many greats from Belgium!

  35. Ok so...heres the same issue again, but i really cant figure it out. I have an 8gb sandisk microSD with mini adapter. I put local rootfs and my zImage (renamed) onto the SD. I flashed the firmware successfully. Yet every time I try to boot Dingux, the Dingoo hardlocks on the Dingux screen and I need to reset it manually. What have I forgotten / done wrong here?

  36. Chris can you remember anymore about the steps you used to flash? I have the same problem and its driving me mad.

  37. I have the same issue too...
    I followed the instructions, the flashing worked, I unzipped the to the SD, renamed the zImage correctely and rebooted. When I press select during boot the dingoo hangs on the dingux screen and I have to reset.
    this being said, after I unzip the file I get a rootfs and (after the rename) zImage file next to a folder called local.

    this doesnt work.
    I then tried to copy all the directories from the local folder to the root of the flash..
    doesn't work either
    I also tried renaming zImage to zimage just to make sure but that doesnt work either.

    any clues what I'm doing wrong ?
    thanks guys

  38. In case this can help anybody, what I typed and how it flashed:

    K:\dingoo\dingux\dualboot>usbtool-win 1 hwinit.bin 0x80000000
    USBtool v0.4 - (C) 2008 Maurus Cuelenaere
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

    [INFO] File size: 4576 bytes
    [INFO] Searching for device...
    [INFO] Found device, uploading application.
    [INFO] SET_DATA_ADDRESS to 0x80000000... Done!
    [INFO] Sending data... Done!
    [INFO] Verifying data... Done!
    [INFO] Booting device [STAGE1]... Done!

    K:\dingoo\dingux\dualboot>usbtool-win 1 zImage_dual_boot_installer_ILI9331 0x806
    USBtool v0.4 - (C) 2008 Maurus Cuelenaere
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

    [INFO] File size: 3567616 bytes
    [INFO] Searching for device...
    [INFO] Found device, uploading application.
    [INFO] SET_DATA_ADDRESS to 0x80600000... Done!
    [INFO] Sending data... Done!
    [INFO] Verifying data... Done!
    [INFO] Booting device [STAGE1]... Done!


  39. You MUST copy the contents of the local folder (so the subdirs with sbin home etc) next to the zImage on the root.

  40. Sometimes when copying the zImage and rootfs to the sd card you might find that your dingoo doesn't boot and hangs. Try copying it again, it made a difference to me and I still have to do it sometimes. Once you know it should work, and it hangs, then recopy the files (it sounds silly but the writing to the sd card can sometimes go wrong). I used WINXP for this.
    good luck!

  41. "You MUST copy the contents of the local folder (so the subdirs with sbin home etc) next to the zImage on the root."

    I will correct this because it is not true.Just unzipping is ok. So then you have on your root the rootfs,the zImage and a local folder.

    The problem of all the hanging is really one of the SD card. I already had that dingux hanged on the first screen, then after chaning and saving something on the SD and resetting it worked.
    I don't know if its the card or the driver but something is not working right.
    I have a feeling it is when I copy large amounts of data (400meg) at once that errors occur.

  42. Im having the same issues, after using both command lines it doesnt boot into the flash screen.

  43. Hmmm did your flashing work ? I did it yesterday again and it worked like a charm, just following the guide exactely.

    If you don't see the dingux screen, your flashing didn't work. Have a look at the flashing output I posted here above. is it the same ?

    If you see "dingux" and it hangs there, and you have everything into place, better think about the sd card.

    I had a week of problems and wasted time on this and yesterday I decided to just buy a new 1gig scandisk mini sd card , formatted it, copied everything on it and it worked immediately.

    I think there are some issues with the driver the dingoo uses to write to the sd cards. Yesterday I did the writing by inserting it into my laptop and it went ok.

  44. I just doesnt work. Ive even tried changing the firmware to 1.03TD and that doesnt work either.

    Fed up with it. May buy the Wiz now instead.

  45. as having serious frustration with this over the last 2 days, as my screen would stay black after sending the two commands. I'd tried on a Mac, Ubuntu, Windows XP... no joy.

    Tonight I tried again, and after the second command, and a little annoyed, I unplugged the Dingoo USB cable. The flash installer screen popped up straight away.

    I used Mac OS X 10.6.1 and Terminal to do the flashing, worked just fine. Don't forget to simply unplug the USB cable if your Dingoo stays at the black screen.

    Hope this helps some one.

  46. Tried that on both my XP and OSX and neither worked. This all seems a bit random.

  47. dont know where else to post this, but i kept stumbling on this page when i was looking for a Mac guide so maybe others will too.

    FOR MAC OS X 10.4 10.5 and 10.6

    1. download latest dual_boot_installer from dingux google code page

    2. find downloaded file (downloads folder from os x 10.5 and up), double click to expand this compressed .zip archive. decompressed folder will be created next to it, named dual_boot_installer_20090916 or similar.

    3. move dual_boot_installer_20090916 folder to desktop

    4. check which LCD type your dingoo has by going to its 'about' menu in system setup. go to the about menu and press A. it will give you information on your remaining diskspace. now press up, right, down, up, right, down. this will present a further diagnostic menu. note which of 'ILI9325' or 'ILI9331' is mentioned (write it down for later)

    5. put dingoo into usb mode by holding 'B' while pressing reset button with paperclip. LCD will remain dark. plug dingoo into your mac with the usb cable.

    6. open up a terminal window (applications>utilities>terminal)

    7. use the "cd" (change directory) command to change the directory from the current (usually 'user/home') to the directory that dual_boot_installer_20090916 was placed in (i.e. the desktop) by typing:

    cd /Users/*your username here*/Desktop/dual_boot_installer_20090916/

    (no *'s, and folder name adjusted as appropriate to that downloaded)

    8. now the usbtool in the folder downloaded must be told to run two tasks. now that the terminal is looking in the right folder, do this by typing the following commands and pressing enter after each - you can copy and paste from here. (text should scroll after each command)

    ./usbtool-osx 1 hwinit.bin 0x80000000
    ./usbtool-osx 1 zImage_dual_boot_installer_ ILI9325 0x80600000

    (adjust each for correct LCD type, earlier instruction: replace ILI9325 by ILI9331 if you have the later LCD type)

    9. dingoo screen should now power on again and state that its going to run the dual boot installer. do as it says, pressing start to accept the licence agreement etc. the only options other than ok that will be presented are when you are asked "Which SPL to flash"; The first option is to install dual boot, and the second option is to uninstall the dual boot and dingux to just leave the original firmware, had you already installed them. choose option number 1. the installer will scroll text indicating its working, and then dingoo will reboot (into the original firmware).

    10. remove the usb cable, and press the reset button while holding select. this will present you with a hanging Dingux screen, indicating that the dual boot install was successful.

    11. now follow instructions from elsewhere to install dingux, thats someone else's problem!

  48. Hi i have the 1.20-pof version on my dingoo but now i really want to flash it to dingux! I have a mac 10.4 version and i tried to do it with flashing for dummies mac

    i get this results

    94-225-2-58:~ josmoonen$ cd /Users/josmoonen/Desktop/dual_boot_installer_20090916/
    94-225-2-58:~/Desktop/dual_boot_installer_20090916 josmoonen$ ./usbtool-osx 1 hwinit.bin 0x80000000
    USBtool v0.4 - (C) 2008 Maurus Cuelenaere
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

    [INFO] File size: 4576 bytes
    [INFO] Searching for device...
    [INFO] Found device, uploading application.
    [INFO] SET_DATA_ADDRESS to 0x80000000... Done!
    [INFO] Sending data... Done!
    [INFO] Verifying data... Done!
    [INFO] Booting device [STAGE1]... Done!
    94-225-2-58:~/Desktop/dual_boot_installer_20090916 josmoonen$ ./usbtool-osx 1 zImage_dual_boot_installer_ILI9331 0x80600000
    USBtool v0.4 - (C) 2008 Maurus Cuelenaere
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

    [INFO] File size: 3256320 bytes
    [INFO] Searching for device...
    [INFO] Found device, uploading application.
    [INFO] SET_DATA_ADDRESS to 0x80600000... Done!
    [INFO] Sending data... Done!
    [INFO] Verifying data... Done!
    [INFO] Booting device [STAGE1]... Done!
    94-225-2-58:~/Desktop/dual_boot_installer_20090916 josmoonen$

    everything look good but my screen stays black !!!

    i did this several times but still he same results!

    Please can somebody help me!!

    Many greats


  49. Hello, i've got finally into flash the dingoo!

    I used this link and follow the guide of Kaxx =>

    And i used also a different usb cable (type nokia)

    With just 1 time trie it flashed perfect!!

    Thanks to Kaxx, booboo, toddler for the amazing work

    many greets

  50. so ive tried flashing my new dingoo and it only stays black i dont have an issue with the drivers i think i went to the newest official firmware and its still giving me trouble anyone have suggestions

  51. Can SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE!MAKE a youtube video! That would be totally awesome and easy!! thanks

  52. Hey, I had the issue of a black screen after i flashed as well. the "Udisk immunity" was turned on in system settings. This is to prevent certain changes from happening.

    I turned this off, did it again and it worked fine.

    I am having trouble with getting Dingux to load however. I found that i had the file named wrong: It is just zImage. I thought all that other stuff (sans the LCD model#) had to remain. Now it tries to load but is missing files. I'll fiddle with it some more I guess.

  53. I just got a new Dingoo (old one was stolen) and am apprehensive about installing Dingux. It is a black A320 with no paw on the back. Everything I've read online makes it seem like this type doesn't work well (if at all) with Dingux. Is this true? I don't want to brick this sucker...

    It has official firmware 1.2 installed. Thanks!

  54. Thanks a lot for the how to.
    This helps a lot!
    Keep up the good work!

  55. Hello guys,

    I'm also having issues installing dingux (using win XP). When I run the usbtool it says that it can't find my USB device, although I pressed 'B' on my Dingoo and then reset it. What could be the problem here?

  56. On the first few tries, there was a black screen on the Dingux after doing

    ./usbtool-linux 1 hwinit.bin 0x80000000

    or the analogous Windows command, even though the command itself completed successfully. I should have interpreted this as a failure that must be fixed before continuing on. Success at this point will display "DINGUX" in black on a white background. To fix, I found

    which references

    which contains I fetched that, unzipped, used the appropriate version for my display, and the new hwinit worked well enough to display "DINGUX" in black on a white background.

    The other thing I had to figure out to get it to work was how to react to a "bulk write error" from usbtool. Unplug the cable for two seconds and plug it back in and try again.

    The rest of the procedure worked fine. I followed the Linux instructions for flashing and the Windows instructions for setting up the micro-SD card, but had I known about needing a different hwinit.bin I think I could have done it all on Windows.

  57. Does anyone know if this guide and files will work for an A320e or only for an A320. If only for A320, is there a similar guide for the A320e?


  58. Also - the guide wasn't entirely clear - to watch video on the Dingoo, I would want to use the native OS, not Dingux, correct? How do I select which OS to boot into?

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