Dingoo A380 Firmware updated to CFW V2.07.06 !

Re: Dingoo A-380 Custom Firmware V2.07.06

Dingoo A-380 render by Santo

Dingoo A-380 CFW V2.07.06 is available for download.
Some small changes have been made for all languages. The most important part is the support added for a new Game Boy Advance emulator build by d_smagin. The emulator is also based on gpsp V0.9 but the game compatibility is a lot better than with the original Dingoo A-380 emulator. Most of the games run jus fine with the default emulator settings. If a game suffers from slowdowns try with changing the frameskip from Auto to Manual and 1.
Note: The L/R button issue isn't fixed yet. It didn't fix the issue only moved it to the wireless controllers.

Download here. As always, thanks to Alien Grey for all his hard work!


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