Fix the Original GBA’s screen - With the AGS-101 Mod!

Ruffnuts shows us how the Ggame Boy Advance’s screen should have been done originally, with the new AGS101 Mod!

Thought you might like to see the best GBA ever made with a back light mod,
Buy the way I got the full console from zerey as I was to lazy to do it my self lol

full console here

or kit here
or email zerey here fantastic guy great responder :-)

also check out dingoonity thread here

ruffnutts out :-)

And check out the great article on obscurehandhelds on the same mod here: succinctly explained as follows:

“But one clever dude in China has come up with an even better solution than the Afterburner, and it involves taking the far superior AGS-101 screen from an SP and fitting it into your GBA – all with the aid of one of his homemade ribbon cable adaptors.”


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