Skelton’s JXD S602 Mini-Review


Skelton shares his thoughts in the Dingoonity forums about the brand new JXD S602. It looks like a winner IMHO:

Ok, I just got mine. Here are my initial impressions, specially for those that are interested specially comparing to s601:

- Design is a bit better, D-PAD and buttons are softer than s601 (specially L and R buttons), and screen is abit more responsive.

- System comes with a series of emulators installed for all common systems (PSX, n64, GBa, MD, SNES, NES, MAME, etc..) all in one package called gamemulator. The good thing is that we can install the emulators we want without the need of uninstalling the stock ones, so we can have our own emulators and the "GameEmulator" app included in the device.

- Performance in emulators is a bit better than s601, specially in PSX and n64 emulation.

- System plays video nice, including ac3 and dts codecs.

- The combo button issue present in other devices like s601 or s5110 is not present here. There is not combo issue at all. However, if someone wants me to test some special combination let me know and I will test it.

- System can be rooted! (oh yeah). check tis brief tutorial I made:,167.0.html

- Google play comes with the system but it comes "hidden" (weird thing). However, once we got rooted, googleplay is ready to be used. Works quite fine by default (they have used the same files I use for the Skelrom s5110, exactly the same xD). I could download FPSE, youtube, facebook, etc....

- It comes with an app called key2touch (similar to Gamekeyboard) that allows us to play android games with physical buttons, those android games that have virtual buttons and pad on screen. It also allows to save profiles for different games.

- analog and d-PAD are the same thing (we already knew that).

Now some cons I have found:

- System doesn't support USB OTG, so we cannot plug flash drives, mouse or gamepads to the device.
- Battery time seems to be lower than s601, not much but a bit lower.
- System has one speaker only like s601 (although sound is better).

I will make a series of videos showing the device, emulators, games etc. If anyone wants me to show or test something in particular let me know and I will do my best to show different aspects of the device.

As you can see, my first conclussions are very positive, device is really nice. And if we take into account its ridicilous price (very low), it's even nicer.

I will make some tests at night when I get home, and let you know my findings.


I have tested some games and It's good, 60 fps in all games I tried. I suggest using FPSE for Playstation emulation, since stock PSX emulator included in the device is not as good. I will try Resident Evil and oddworld and let you know.

S601 is not more powerful than s602. Performance in s602 is better in emulators than s601, so don't know why you say that (I have both, so I know What I am saying). s602 has HDMi instead of compostie video. And s601 has some button combo issues that makes somes games really hard to plsy. In s602 this is fixed. Screen is multituouch too.

I don't see the problem that system runs ICS instead of gingerbread.

s601 has more scene (although people has stopped developing things for it for what I can see, myself for example), and that is maybe the main advantage over s602. Battery life seems better in s601 too.

Any case, both systems are fine, so it's your choice. Both are cheap and both are nice, so probably is a good decision.

Thank you Skelton for sharing your thoughts and your great review! If you’d like to buy one, please do so from this link and help this site.


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