JXD S602 now available from Willgoo – only $65.99!

Possibly one of the more successful Android Consoles, the JXD 601 certainly has support among both devs and users.  And now, you can buy its successor, the JXD 602 from Willgoo for a hilarious $65.99, shipping included!


As far as I can tell from this thread, the main improvements over the JXD S601 are:

* Dual HDMI display (Hmm … I think this means it displays on the console’s screen and on the TV at the same time … anyway, the original JXD S601 only output video via composite)
* Multiplayer Linking
* Android V4.0 installed as stock
* Battery bumped up from 2300 mah to 2500 mah
* Improved buttons feel
* Slightly slimmer

Click here if you would like to buy one from Willgoo and also help support this l’il ol site.


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