Skelrom v1 Custom Rom for JXD s5110 ICS released

[ROM] Skelrom v1 for JXD s5110 ICS
« on: Today at 02:12:56 AM »

Hi, the main purpose of this rom is to serve as a complete backup to the system, since the important things work out of the box in this rom. I have modified some stuff to make the system a bit more stable.

Skelrom ICS for JXD s5110

These files are delivered as they are,  so use it at your own risk. Flashing this ROM is your responsibility.

Main features:
-   Based on last firmware ICs 1 ghz.
-   Fully Rooted (at kernel level, in default.prop)
-       All chinese emus and stuff removed.
-   Google play updated to last version
-   Default launcher removed and changed for Trebuchet launcher by cyanogen Mod.
-   Build.prop modified (XperiaPlay), so you can see more apps in google play.
-   Duplicated libraries deleted.
-   Minimum system speed changed to 250 mhz to correct sleep problems.
-   Setcpu free donate version XDA included with setcpu profile installed.
-   Emus and apps installed in data/apps (can be upgraded or uninstalled easily if you don't like them)
-   Emus included and installed: GameBoid, Nesoid, Gensoid, GbCoid, Gearoid, Snsoid, Snes 9x, Tiger Arcade.
-   Apps Included and installed: Chanifire 3d, Dolphin Browser HD, Es task manager, ES File Explorer, Flash Player, GetJar, Gmail (tablet version), Lucky Patcher, Maildroid, Mixzing Free, Mx Video Player, Onlive, Opera Mini, Terminal Emulator, Titanium Backup Free, Tunein Radio, Youtube HD, Link to willgoo store.
-   Changed the splash screens and new Boot animation.
-   Some build.prop tweaks to improve screen responsivness, wifi responsiveness, and make better ram consumption.
-   Spanish language by default (you can change that easily)

ROM makes wipe automaticatilly, so if you have some data that you want preserve, do it before installing the ROM.


-   Unrar the whole content of the file to the root of your Micro SD. (Extras folder is optional).
-       You will need the following files in your micro sd: Factory_para_update_aml,, Uimage, uImage_recovery and u-boot-aml-ucl.bin
-   Power on the JXD s5110 in recovery mode (Power + Menu and wait until the process is done).

I have made a video explaining the whole process:


I’ve not included any paid apps or emu in this release nor will I do in the future, because of legal terms.
SETCPU is the donate version of XDA and I've got permission to include it.

I’ve included a folder called Extras that includes the following:
-   build.prop “original” and a nexus 4g and SGS II build.props. Instructions to use it included in the folder.

I’d like to thank you all the users that have made this rom possible, especially Deen0X and Bitrider (from gp32spain)
And special thanks to for sending us a sample to make this rom possible.

Any feedback is always possitive to keep me improving the ROM.



  1. Thank you. Works great!

  2. Funciona todo muy bien, solo tengo algunas dudas. ¿por qué hay algunas aplicaciones que no se pueden instalar, como los clientes de twitter? A pesar de poner como que es un Nexus siguen sin poder instalarse, tampoco como apk.

    El wifi va un poco lento, y a veces se desconecta, no sé si es problema de harware o software.

    Un saludo y gracias


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