K1GBA … coming soon

The K1GBA, perhaps the best GBA emulator device is evidently soon to be available from here:


The folk at www.K1GBA.com have teamed up with Obscurehandhelds to host a banner competition:

Get Creative And Use Your Imagination – Design A Banner For K1GBA.com!

OK so you want to win yourself a shiny, fresh off the production line K1 GBA right? Well you’re in the right place! The folks over at k1gba.com have kindly offered up one of these joyous machines to the person who designs the coolest banner for their website. The winning banner will take pride of place at the top of www.k1gba.com and the winning artist will be rewarded with a free K1 GBA in their choice of Silver, Black or Blue!

Feel like having a go? Why the hell not, eh? Keep reading for a rundown of how this competition will work.

  • The banner must be 353×156 pixels in size and should be either .png or .jpg format.
  • Once you’ve finished your masterpiece you should email it to the folks at konegba@gmail.com
  • All entries will be posted here on this page in a gallery.
  • You can enter as many times as you like – but take your time!
  • The competition ends on July 10th, after which the folks at k1gba.com will decide which they like the best and the winner will be announced on this blog!

Here is the old banner, this will be the one you are replacing with your work of art.

You are free to choose any style you like, so why not give it a shot? GO!

Chance to win a K1GBA in return for some l’il ol’ photoshoppin’? An offer too good to refuse. Get to it, you artists you!


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