How to update the YDPG19 A10 (New) Model

The A10 version of the YDPG18 is rather more fiddly to update than the older A9 version. vandickk has written a great tutorial here to walk you through the steps involved:

Kudos vandickk!

And here is a Google translate:

Yinlips update procedure YDPG18 (A10)
This thread I'll start with the tutorial YDPG18 Yinlips Update (A10) [/ B], and later, if my schedule allows, gradually add other relevant information for this model. There is already a thread for A9 model, but not for A10 version, which maintains some significant differences (the first difference is the way to upgrade), so I think it deserves this separate thread. The upgrade procedure is based on the using a program called livesuite Chinese, the same that is used to update other Chinese devices. How to update becomes the same in all, and only differ in the rom file. Perhaps also in the drivers necessary for Windows to recognize the console. If the drivers are not adequate, just not recognized by windows device (no problem, we seek appropriate and fixed). But ...... if the rom we use to update the console is not appropriate (for example, because Go for the other device by mistake), we can console bricking irretrievably. Therefore, make certain first that the rom file comes from a reliable source, and is specific to this model A10 (not used the roms from the previous version, the A9). DOs Forero, docgreat and red carpet, have already successfully updated the A10 following this tutorial. Refine in step 7, after selecting the rom with livesuite, and connect the console to the PC, you must manually install the drivers (I refer to post # 3 of this thread, which explains how to do it) because Windows does not automatically recognized. IF you do not do not go to step 8, and start updating. Tomorrow, more time, I will add it to this first post, totally ordered. TUTORIAL UPDATE Yinlips YDPG18 (A10) IMPORTANT: ** NOT TO CONSOLE CONECTÉIS STEP 7 ** ** assure THAT THE BATTERY LEVEL IS AT LEAST 50% OFF BEFORE UPDATE ** Required files 1 - Download the files we need : G18 upgrade (A10). rar this link download was provided by @ alc112 , in another thread: # post1391123 Contains a pack with everything you need, ie: • the rom file (SKE602 -en.img) · A doc update on the guide. (Yinlips YDPG18-A10 Upgrade Guide.doc) · THE livesuite Program, in the "upgrade tool LiveSuit_v20" But I must add something, is that the program folder livesuite mixed there are different versions (1.0.6 and 1.0.7 ) and seems busy. Also, in version 1.0.6 has been detected by the Avira virus, although it could be a false positive. So instead of using the program livesuite of the above folder, you would use that I provide now (is the use for my other devices), much cleaner and without viruses. LiveSuitPack_v1.07.exe After I bajéis, meteis it in a folder and double click dais so that you unzip it (you'll have to run "LiveSuitePack_v1.07. exe "ALWAYS OPEN BEFORE" LiveSuite.exe, ie before performing the upgrade). some Members have dropped the files and not the extension at the end appears to indicate the type of file. IF that happens it must add, like this: G18 upgrade (A10). rar LiveSuitPack_v1.07.exe I recommend you think a folder on your desktop with all the files you have downloaded, and you put the name you want, for example "time update Yinlips A10. "Something like this: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Implement LiveSuitePack_v1.07.exe (this step is only necessary if you use my download link livesuite, and will not be necessary if you use the program supplied with the rom) 2-Run LiveSuite.exe 3-clikink "No" when the following screen will appear. 4.Clickar in the box as aprece in the image below. 5.Seleccionar image (. img) you desire to use to update ** in case need to rename the file and delete all the Chinese characters before the update. ** Take this into account in next updates come out. This case has not been necessary, because the image file does not have Chinese characters .. 6. Your screen should look similar to the one shown below: 7. Turn your Yinlips YDPG18-A10, and make sure it is, and not in suspension. The next step is to press one or more specific buttons of your device, hold tight while we connect your device to your PC. This step is common to all devices updated by livesuite. In the case of YINLIPS that button is to reset (the last of the bottom right). So we will: the console off and leaving pressed the reset button is connected to PC via USB-miniUSB cable. 8.Debería contain the following, then select "Yes" to format and update. (if you do not appear the picture below go to post # 3 of this thread to install the drivers manually) 9.No disconnect or turn off the device (the image that I will then update belongs to the other device, hence we see a different file selected our rom, but the process is the same. When you update the console will capture and image will change. While serve as an illustration) 10.When finished the update should restart itself. Give it time to restart before safely disconnect the PC console ("safely remove hardware") Possible problems: 1-Windows does not recognize the console. It occurs to me several reasons. a) Livesuite works well in XP, although Windows 7 drivers can cause problems (especially if it is 64-bit), b) may be necessary to install the drivers manually (see the post 3 of this thread to find out how) c) If drivers not work with my download link, try the livesuite provided by the pack of ROM, which also contains the necessary drivers. d) It is possible that the button to press to enter the upgrade mode other than the reset (is information taken from another thread but not tested) and is another set of buttons or button . remains to be confirmed by a forero. 2 - During the reboot stuck on the android home screen. If so, follow these steps: 1-Leave at least 10 minutes without touching any buttons, because it happens that the first Once restarted normally need unso minutes to create all the system files. 2 - If you spend 10 minutes and still the home screen, press the reset button, and usually in the second restart is resolved. 3 - If still equal, Reinstalling the rom. IN depuraré the tutorial a few days with questions and situations that arise to make it more explanatory and didactic. It is recommended that planteéis any questions you have before you perform the upgrade, do not do step 8 before to get everything clear. For my part, be a few days to do this, when you backup everything. Regards.


  1. lol so many words... I make it like this:

    1. download LiveSuit from
    2. hold down 'reset' on your YDP-G18 A10 and plug in usb-cable
    3. run LiveSuitPack_version_1.07_2011026.exe from archive, it should install driver for your WinXP/7 automatically
    4. run LiveSuit.exe, choose format or upgrade mode
    5. select firmware file
    6. wait for 'success' window
    7. unplug and restart your console


    1. Yes. This is most accurate.
      But I'll note that I had to press the power button 10x then release the reset button, all of this once after I plugged in the usb cable.
      Strange, but successful.

  2. I have a video tutorial on my youtube channel as well


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