Dingux-HuGo v1.3.0b1 for Dingux and OpenDingux

Dingux-HuGo v1.3.0b1 for Dingux and OpenDingux

March 22, 2012, 10:53:58 PM by qbertaddict

Translation from FLPSTR's blog:
Dingux-Hugo Opendingux 1.3.0 beta 1 Notes: -Works on Opendingux! Based on source-1.3.0 1.3.0 beta 2 Dingux; Retrieved menu-dial clock; Retrieved-reference to dev / mem (for use in Opendingux) ; -Still no sound: (; -Dingux also works on legacy (with sound); For flpstr (flpstrquerendoumdingoo!!) ​​Special thanks: ismaiden666 (Do forum dingoobr) Donate! to purchase hardware


Still no sound on opendingux but it works great on legacy dingux

hugo 1.3.0 beta 1 opendingux.zip
Author/Porter: flpstr
Download: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/dingoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,71,573


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