Dingoo Emulation Pack v1.0

Dingoo Emulation Pack v1.0

March 26, 2012, 07:48:59 PM by qbertaddict

lion_rsm has released a great emulator pack for the native os and he through in a new emulator to boot DingooSMS!! It is amazing how much support the DINGOO is still getting after all this time


DEP v1.0 includes the following emulators:
DingooNES v1.2 - UPDATED
DingooSNES v1.2 - UPDATED
DingooSMS v1.0 - NEW

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoo-releases/dingoo-emulation-pack-v1-0/msg38642/?topicseen#new
Author/Porter: lion_rsm
Download: http://rsm-files.narod.ru/dep/DEPv10.zip


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