JXD S601 running Onlive smoothly with dpad – Batman Arkham City, Assasin’s Creed Brotherhood and Fear 3!

Watch and salivate – JXD S601 running Onlive smoothly with dpad – Batman Arkham City, Assasin’s Creed Brotherhood and Fear 3! - thanks again to BAFelton!


  1. @ BAFelton, Do you ever talk in you videos? Your videos are useless if you dont explain about the product! People like my self would like to know if its worth purchasing this unit.

    I hope next time when doing your next video take this message into consideration. Thank you in advance


  2. I wouldn't really call this "smoothly" lots of video and sound lag.
    Plus he had trouble with the dpad on every game, some he couldn't even start.
    Also Onlive is not a very good indicator of how well the unit performs since games are "streamed" and don't really require a lot of processing nor video since they don't really play on the unit itself...


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