Another YDPG18 with Gingerbread reported

Chip on Jan 26, 2012 04:16 PMin a comment here:

I just got my G18 today, and I can confirm gingerbread also.


They are out there!


bitrider posted this message on the Spanish GP32 forums yesterday – would you care to try this?:

Well, to try to pave the way for everyone who receives a console with a firmware higher than we have and want to collaborate, I created a small application that simplifies the process. Instructions: - Rootea console - Install the attached application - Run the application and wait for it to end, may take a few minutes. - If all went well end up with a message: "Success!" and files in the folder will FirmwareDump micro-SD. - Copy the folder FirmwareDump micro-SD to PC, compress it and let me go. The folder contains two files "boot.img" (the kernel) and "system. tar "(the rest of the OS). The application is quite simple and not very polished in terms of what that user interface is concerned. For any questions, feel free to write here or send me a PM. Greetings PS: with This avoids having to install the terminal emulator and type into the command line itself (which is usually quite tedious).
Attachments (13.2 KB, 4 views)

UPDATE 28/1/12: Sadly, it may be the case that new YDPG18 hardware models were shipped instead of the old ones, which would explain why 2.3 is on them … but stay tuned


  1. Definitely a new model. The clock speed is 1GHz and I do have multitouch, though it is flaky due to the capacitive display. However, in exchange for the speed bump and multitouch, they seem to have reduced the RAM. Mine only shows 314MB total.

    I intended to use the dump utility to get an image out to you guys, but I ran into a snag. I wasn't sure if my google credentials would be included in the dump, so I did a factory reset just to be safe. This killed root, and I have been unable to get it back since. No root means no FW dump, so until I can get that sorted we're out of luck.


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