Dingoo-Scene Twisted Mario Halloween Competition 2011

Well, we seem to have found ourselves a willing sponsor, being those nice folk at www.isharegifts.com  who have promised prizes for whatever half-assed competition I can come up with for Halloween, which as we all know, is celebrated fanatically in China, mostly by the companies who supply Halloween gear to the US of A.

A willing sponsor is a terrible thing to waste, and so, I present:

The Dingoo-Scene Twisted Mario Halloween Competition 2011

To enter, send me either:

1. a photo/movie of you in costume as a lovable video game character but with a horror twist, and either a Dingoo or the words “Dingoo Scene Twisted Mario 2011” somewhere in the picture   [Must be real, no photoshop]; or

2. a photoshopped image of a lovable video game character but with a horror twist, with a Dingoo, and with the words “Dingoo-Scene Twisted Mario 2011” somewhere in the image.


a. “Lovable” means “lovable”. Characters that are already horrific don’t count.

b. “With a horror twist” means you have to make the lovable character horrific in some way.

c. Real photos of people in costume preferred over photoshop. So if I get 20 photoshops, and only 1 photo of someone in costume, the photo is going to win.

d. Competition closes 18/11/2011.

e. I decide everything and can change anything, forgive errors, part the seas, etc. etc.

First prize is one Dingoo-Technology A380 Wireless Controller PLUS one LED T Shirt from the designs below.

Wireless Game Controller for Dingoo A380 A330

There are 7 Runner up prizes of one LED T Shirt each from the designs below.

Sound Activated EL T-shirt Skull Body 105
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Skull Body 105
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Dead Head 097
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Dead Head 097
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Flashing Skull 103
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Flashing Skull 103
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Skull Bone 104
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Skull Bone 104
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Las Vegas Burning Skull 120
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Las Vegas Burning Skull 120
Sound Activated EL  T-shirt Big Tongue 090
Sound Activated EL T-shirt Big Tongue 090
Sound Activated EL T-Dancer T-shirt Burning Skull 078
Sound Activated EL T-Dancer T-shirt Burning Skull 078
Sound Activated EL T-shirt- Pumpkin 004
Sound Activated EL T-shirt- Pumpkin 004


Animated GIFs. How low can I go? Bear with me, I’ve never had a sponsor before! Remember, there are 8 prizes in all, and based on the last competition I ran, likely to be less than 8 entrants, so the love is there for you all to share, if you’re in it to win it, thanks to those nice folk at www.isharegifts.com .


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