Automated installer for Dingux !



xiq created a utility for Dingux. This nifty little tool that the author has created is a file batch which, when edited and installed, enables an automated installation of Dingux for Dingoo!

To make the file work you must do the following:

+ Dingoo Plug your computer into the recording mode. For that to happen hold B while the device is reset
+ Right-click the file "setup.bat" and choose the option of editing the file
+ Go to the third line of the file that starts with "cd C: \ ...."
+ Change this party placing the path where the installation folder Dingux

Save the document, run the batch and, voila ! You will be able to install the system without greater frights!=)

Click here to follow the discussion on the utility in Dingoonity



  1. wow, thank you for featuring me :)
    it's quite an honor ^.^


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