Pymon Dingux v0.1

Pymon v0.1

March 03, 2011, 05:26:43 AM by qbertaddict

Monstercrunch has released a new game for us. Its like simon. I loved this game as a kid


Hi guys, I've just finished my game: Pymon.
It's an adaptation of Simon's game.
To change the difficulty, type left/right when the cursor is on the same line, then, go on "new game" and type "A"
In easy mode, there will be 1 key added per turn.
In normal mode, 2 keys added per turn
In Hard mode, 3 keys added per turn.
/!\ Read the readme ! There are some cautions to know. /!\
Main menu:
In game:
Saving score:
Showing Hight scores:
I'm waiting for your comments.

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Author/Porter: monstercrunch


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