Booboo gives Dingoo GA330 the boot … literally

At least, that’s that I think this says:

Running code on the GA330

Check out usbtool here:
The CC1800 has 16KB of SRAM located at 0x0010000, and also mapped at 0x00000000 if certain bit of a special register is set. At boot time this bit is clear and ROM is mapped at 0x00000000.
The A330 can be made to boot from SD card by pressing DOWN during power up. In this mode the ROM code will load sectors 2-17 into SRAM at address 0x00100000 and execute. The code in rom.bin will then in turn execute the USB boot code, and from then on you can use the usbtool above to upload and execute your code through USB. Much more convenient that moving an SD card around.
Note however that since the USB boot code is not executed from ROM but from SRAM, the same SRAM you will be uploading to (at least until the SDRAM controller has been initialized), some restrictions apply: the USB boot code code in rom.bin is loaded at 0x00100000, and first thing it seems to do is move itself to 0x00102000, that is, to the second half of the 16KB of available SRAM. This means you can use only the first 8KB for your code AND the stack.


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