15 – sliding puzzle game for native


March 25, 2011, 02:26:11 PM by jagotu

Classic. Thanks to Frank_fjs for finding out how it's working.

Quote from: miralok

Hello! This is my first app for Dingoo Native OS.
(Sorry for my English)

Quote from: Frank_fjs

It's one of those numbers games.
So there's a 16 x 16 grid with one box free, so you can shuffle blocks numbered from 1 to 15 around, the aim being to get them in sequential order.
Start button creates a new game, B button or SELECT button quits the application.

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoo-games-and-homebrew/15-3240
Author/Porter: miralok
Download: http://www.print-tek.ru/files/15.zip


  1. https://cupcake2048.com/


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