PC Engine/TG16/Turbo Grafx emulator HuGo for Native updated

Dingux Hu-Go for native has been updated!


Dingux Hu-Go for Native.
Unzip the zip file, into:
    A:\GameD Games\
this should mean a directory is created called:
    A:\GameD Games\DingooHuGo
Containing; hugo_dingoo.app
Changelog https://bitbucket.org/clach04/dingoo_hugo/changesets
Side news; the native sdk now has working gz support along with working open/read support.

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoo-releases/pc-enginetg16turbo-grafx-emulator-hugo-for-native-working-save-game-support/
Author/Porter: clach04
Download: https://bitbucket.org/clach04/dingoo_hugo/downloads?highlight=20736


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