MythomizeR releases TiznajoS Graphics Editor for dingux

TiznajoS Graphics Editor 1.0

Posted by Pedro Junior PA - February 21, 2011

Dingueiros Comrades,

MythomizeR launched the TiznajoS Graphics Editor . The purpose of this program, which was released to run on Dingux is quite simple and interesting at the same time: it is a 2D graphics editor.

Soon below are the installation mode, the controls and future updates of this program (the author's words):

+ Installation:

To install simply copy the file "tiznajosge.dge" into "local" folder. That's enough to install the program.

To create a shortcut on GMenu2x just copy the folder "tiznajosge" and paste into "local / apps" and in doing so create a shortcut to the program ("tiznajosge.dge).

+ Controls:

- Display mode:
Directional Pad - Move cursor
A - Bonds a tile, 24 by 24 pixels
B - Copies of a tile 24 by 24 pixels
L - Go to the File menu
R - Enter the editor

- Editor:
Directional Pad - Move cursor
A - Draws a pixel with color "A"
B - Draws a pixel with color "B"
L - Returns to the view
R - Enter the palette

- Palette:
Directional Pad - Move cursor
A - Selects the color for the button "A"
B - Select the color for the button "B"
L - Returns to the editor
Select - Selects the next palette

- File Menu
X - Create a new image
A - Loads an image from memory
B - Save the image in memory
R - Return to the view
L - Exits the program

+ Future updates of the program:

- Some new effects on the tiles, rotation, mirror effect vertical and horizontal (display mode)
- Option dropper (Editor)
- Highlight color transparent (the View & Editor)
- Range selector color (Palette)
- Undo / Redo (the View & Editor)

Click here to follow the discussion on the program in Dingoonity



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