Dfile Dingux File manager


February 10, 2011, 04:39:07 PM by qbertaddict

This guy is a releasing machine. Here is another filemanager for DINGUX. Once again thanks to www.dingoobr.com for the news


Mizuki Ray threw for the Dingux, the program dfile . This program is a file manager and allows, in very practical ways, copy, move, delete and rename files, and also create new folders. He certainly has the same look that his "colleague" function, Dingux Commander . But like him, this program will be very handy when it comes to organizing Dingux.
Below are the commands of the program:
A - Open the folder
B - Back to the main folder
X - Move the selected object
Y - Copies the selected object
L - Displays information about the selected object
R - Display information about current space on the memory card and the size of the selected folder
Select + B - Delete file
Select + X - Rename file
Select + Y - Create a folder
Select + Start - exit the program
I want to tell here that copies files from one folder to another, it takes a considerable time to complete. Because of the program's author does not recommend doing this with a larger file size. Another important thing that should be spoken here is that the author recommends using the source VL-Gothic-Regular ( TrueType ). According to him, the program works better with this unit installed. If want to download this font,

Discuss it here: http://www.dingoobr.com/?p=4110#more-4110


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