Hell Striker II released for A330

Hell Striker II (TianDiDao 2)

Translated from Portuguese from www.dingoobr.com :

Hell Striker II was released for the A330 Howl ye, the port official game Hell Striker II (known in China for TianDiDao 2 ). This game, action adventure, was released in early 2009 by Dingoo Games (one of four companies that comprise Howl ye) for mobile phones that use the platform Symbian . Now this game has won an excellent port for the A330 Howl ye!

Fortunately, unlike past releases, the game features a translation into English, though quite limited.

To install the game it is necessary first of all, have installed version 1.1 of the firmware (to download it if you do not have it installed, click here ). Since this version of firmware is installed just simply unzipped the file " 天地道完整版. cc"folder in 3D. This folder, in turn, is inside the folder GAME.


NOTE: Special thanks to our buddy-colleague massi , for having warned me about the release of the game and also for having the courtesy to send a copy of the game. 谢谢你,老兄!


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