Teeter Torture Dingux

Teeter Torture
November 29, 2010

Another game from EXL! This was a game that was originally done by EXIDY a loooooooooong time ago!


Description: A funny arcade game, based on the laws of physics
Author: Bill Kendrick
Ported to the DINGUX: EXL
Ported to the EZX: BruceLee
Ported to the MAGX: EXL
Language: English
More: Control Keys:
Left, Right, L, R -  Moving gun
A, B, X, START - Fire!!

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/teeter-torture/

Author/Porter: EXL
Download: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/dingoo.cgi?0,1,0,0,27,468


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