DinGear v1.3 (source code released)

DinGear v1.3 (source code released)
December 23, 2010

Here is another update for Dingear. Some cool new features and options have been added.


Release v1.3:

- More emulator speedup.
- Added a screen configuration menu which will be displayed
  the first time the emulator is run (a file called HVMODE.CFG will be created
  in GAMES directory and will be used afterwards with the selected screen orientation).
- Added more volume levels.
- Buttons can now be configured (saved as DINGEAR.CFG).

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoo-development/dingear-v1-0/msg25356/?topicseen#new

Author/Porter: hitchhikr
Download: http://franck.charlet.pagesperso-orange.fr/DinGear.zip
Download Source: http://franck.charlet.pagesperso-orange.fr/DinGear_src.zip


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