Dingear 1.2

Dingear 1.2
December 22, 2010

Another release of DINGER for the native os.

Thanks to www.dingoobr.com


Translation from www.dingoobr.com

hitchhikr launched another update emulator Dinger . In this new version (1.2) some minor errors were corrected, among them a problem referring to full screen ( fullscreen ). For those who do not know this emulator that runs on the system's native Dingoo, emulates consoles Master System, Game Gear and Sega SG-1000.

Discuss it here: http://www.dingoobr.com/?p=3821

Author/Porter: hitchhikr
Download: http://franck.charlet.pagesperso-orange.fr/DinGear.zip
Download Source: http://franck.charlet.pagesperso-orange.fr/DinGear_src.zip


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