Tuxletics Dingux

15th Nov 2010

The porting machine known as z_man3007 has released Tuxletics!


Dingux Requirement:
Please install python and pygame in your dingoo to play this game.
Use SiENcE's python port for dingux.

Python & pygame Download:

Download and extract the tuxletics.zip file. Copy and paste the tuxletics extracted folder under /usr/local/games folder.  
On gmenu2x, create a shortcut of tuxletics.sh file. Finally, run the shortcut of tuxletics.sh.

Menu Control:
Enter Name  D-pad Up, Down, Left and Right (Only fixed 4 names for now).
Start    Start the game

Game Control:
Run      Press Dpad L and Dpad R rapidly.
X          Throw Ice Ball
Exit/Main Menu         Use Select button

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/tuxletics/

Author/Porter: z_man3007
Download: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/dingoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,35,464
Download Source:


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