Mindless - Dingux

8th Nov 2010

z_man3007 has ported Mindless for Dingux.


Mastermind Clone.

Dingux Requirement:
Please install Virtual Mouse to play this game on your dingux.  This game has been tested with SiENcE's virtual mouse.

Move Coursor                   D-pad + R button.
Select/Change                  D-pad + R + B button (On any object).
Changing Ball's Color         D-pad + R + B button (Move the coursor on each balls).
Main Menu/Exit                 Press Select button.

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/mindless/

Author/Porter: z_man3007
Download: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/dingoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,25,460


  1. I'd rather play wit my nutts than playing this....lol. Great job z


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