Black Box Dingux

November 6, 2010

Another nice game from z_man3007



      z_man3007 is here with the "Black-Box".  Enjoy    

      What is Black-Box?
       There's a black box. You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves
       the box. In the box, crystals are reflecting the shots. You have to
       guess where the crystals are hidden, by watching your shots.

        Dingux Requirement:
       Please install Virtual Mouse on your Dingux.  You can install SiENcE's
       Virtual Mouse in order to play this game.

       Game Control:

       Move Coursor           D-pad + R shoulder button.
       D-pad + R + A          Shoots Laser (when the cursor is on the Green or Red edges).
       D-pad + R + A          To drop/remove a crystal (when the cursor is on the
                                           intersections of any blue box).
       D-pad + R + Y          To mark/un-mark a blue box (When the cursor is on any blue box).

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Author/Porter: z_man3007


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