Super Mario War 1.7 (April Fools Edition)

September 29, 2010

Here is a new version of Super Mario War!

Super Mario War is a Super Mario multiplayer game.
The goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible to win the game.
It's a tribute to Nintendo and the game Mario War by Samuele Poletto.

The game uses artwork and sounds from Nintendo games. We hope that this noncommercial fangame qualifies as fair use work. We just wanted to create this game to show how much we adore Nintendo's characters and games.

z_man3007 (initial port)
Ayla, zear and zLouD (new and better port)

Author/Porter: initial port by z_man3007. Ayla, zear and zLouD on this new updated version
Download Source:,1,0,0,46,375


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