Zelda - Time to Triumph updated - Dingux

Zelda - Time to Triumph
September 14, 2010

Z_man3007 has update his already excellent port of Zelda - Time to Triumph


What has been fixed:

                                1) Correct button display during text conversations.

                                 Button re-mapping:

                                Display Map                         -  L Shoulder
                                See defeated monsters      -  X
                                See fishes                             -  X
                                See barter items                   -  X
                                Oni Link transformation       -  X

                                2) Why changing Map button from X to L?
                                    Ans.  Since, throughout the game you have to use maps all the times therefore; I have
                                             assigned a dedicated button for it.

                                3) Why X button has been used for so many actions?

                                    Ans. It's because different items are collected in different parts of the game.

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/zelda-time-to-triumph//

Author/Porter: Vincent Jouillat/z_man3007
Download: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/dingoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,26,408


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