NDSMenu (native theme)

NDSMenu (native theme)
August 2, 2010

KiakuNamako released a set of NDS/Pokemon inspired themes for native firmware.


NDSMenu [Negative]
Hi all. I created a Nintendo DS theme using Pikachu theme icons and Windows 7 Setup icon with a dark background. This theme is for dingoo native os only. Hope you enjoy!

NOTE: Remember to change your font color to white when you apply this theme!

NDSi Options
NDSi options menu like theme for dingoo native os. I used the Pikachu theme icons for this. Hope you enjoy!

Hi all. Created a Nintendo DS menu theme using the Pikachu theme icons. This is just like the NDSMenu [Negative] theme except original. Hope you enjoy this theme!

NOTE: Remember to change the font color to black when you apply this theme.

Discuss it here:

12427-NDSMenu [Negative].rar
Author/Porter: KiakuNamako
Download: http://filetrip.net/f12427-NDSMenuNegative10.html
12432-NDSi Options.rar
Author/Porter: KiakuNamako
Download: http://filetrip.net/f12432-NDSi-Options-1-0.html

Author/Porter: KiakuNamakox
Download: http://filetrip.net/f12433-NDSMenu-1-0.html


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