Dingoo Homebrew Reviews launched!

Dingoo Homebrew Reviews launched!
August 20, 2010

xdpirate launched a new site, specializing on homebrew reviews!


Dingoo Homebrew Reviews!

Since some people have requested this in the Suggestions-forums, I took the liberty of setting up a homebrew review site myself, just because it sounded something that'd be fun to administrate. However, it isn't going to be exactly like suggested, everyone aren't going to be freely publishing reviews when they feel like it. If you wish to write reviews, send me a PM, and I'll hook you up with an author account on DHR. You are then free to review homebrew applications.

I will, however, perform spell- and grammar checks on your work. I'm by no means a total grammar nazi, but if you can't handle the English language, you shouldn't be publishing articles in said language. If your articles are total and utter crap, and contains more errors than not, I'll be happy to promptly remove your account.

Last, but not least, I want this to be informative, and tell people about what they'd like to know about before downloading/installing a piece of homebrew.

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-general/site-launch-dingoo-homebrew-reviews
Or head directly to: http://www.qqmore.info/dhr/

You need to read the post above very carefully to identify the irony.


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