Another World for native firmware

Another World released
July 31, 2010

djdron released Another World for native firmware! For source code etc, visit the project's google code page:


New RAW - an Another World / Out of this world interpreter. Based on work of Gregory Montoir. Original game is by Eric Chahi / Delphine Software. You'll need datafiles from original game to use this interpreter.

Place game datafiles in the same folder with Currently, only the english PC DOS version is supported ("Out of this World").

Control keys:
pad left, right - move left/right.
pad up - jump.
pad down - squat.
A - action.

Other keys:
left/right trigger - volume down/up.
select - enter game code.
start - game pause/resume.
select + start - exit.
Author/Porter: djdron


  1. Can these russians developers bring to us an interpreter of Prince of Persia Classic (1989) for native OS? I have a DOSBox for Dingux, but is very complicated and Prince of Persia runs without sound...
    Thanks for reply


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