Tombstone City for Dingux

Tombstone City for Dingux
July 18, 2010

ZX-81 is back and has given us a nice little port of a game from the TI99/A4 era.


Hi All,

Tombstone city is a game developped in 1981 by Texas Instrusment for the TI99/A4.

My very good friend Buzz has developped his own version of this game for Linux, Windows and the Nintendo DS. Few days ago he has ported his game from Allegro to SDL.

See buzz web site for details

I've done several small changes to fit the dingoo screen size and keys.

Discuss it here:
Author/Porter: zx-81
Download Source:

I’m sure someone, somewhere, has fond memories of what looks like a nifty little game!


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