
2H4U (Tetris and a wall breaker)
July 8, 2010

z_man3007 has ported a nice tetris/wall breaker game for Dingux


2H4U, which stands for Too Hard For You, is an open source game, and a mix between a
Tetris-like game and a wall breaker. It requires good reflexes, coordination, and ambidexters
should have some advantages. Will 2H4U be too hard for you ?


D-pad         ---   To move the wall braker Left and Right

R Shoulder  ---  To move the Tetris blocks to the Right

L Shoulder   ---  To move the Tetris blocks to the Left

A Buttons     ---  makes the blocks fall fast

B Button       ---  To flip blocks

Y Button       ---  Pause

Start Button  ---  Start Game

Select Button --- Return to the main menu during game play and EXIT

Author/Porter: z_man3007
Discuss: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/2h4u-%28tetris-and-a-wall-breaker%29/
Download: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/dingoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,25,367


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