Me asleep since October 16 – SDK Development kit for Dingoo Native Firmware

Development SDKs and resources

« on: October 16, 2009, 09:54:11 PM »

When developing for native OS there are a number of different options available for this.
Dingoo SDK - Multiplatform
Led by flatmush and meant to be the everyones SDK.
"I've combined approaches from multiple sources to create a platform independant Native Dingoo SDK.
It contains the source for all the tools used to create it and contains sample applications, libc source code and makefiles to show users how to simply and cleanly make applications for the dingoo.
Dingoonity Thread
Project page at Google Code
Official SDK (S2SDK) - Windows
This is the official SDK provided by Dingoo Digital. Includes the possibility to compile and test your applications on Windows. The SDK can be considered bloated.
Installation Guide
Older toolchains
flatmush toolchain - Windows
Note: This should be considered replaced by the multiplatform SDK above.
A set of libraries created by flatmush, which is much less bloated than the official SDK and faster.
Installation Guide
Zaxxon's Minimal SDK - Linux
Note: This should be considered replaced by the multiplatform SDK above.
Your best option if you're on Linux. Can be combined with libraries from flatmush toolchain above.
mvdklip posted: "I can hereby confirm that the Astrolander sources can be compiled under Linux using the mipseltools-4.1.2-nopic toolchain from the Ingenic FTP server. To convert the binary into an .app file either dlmake.exe may be run under Wine or Zaxxon's may be run natively."
See topic
There is also some other kind of SDK which is "slightly based on flatmush toolchain":
This post will be updated whenever there are new things to point out.
If there is anything you would like to add, just post in here, or send a PM.


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