Exult – Ultima 7 on Dingux!

Sience has ported is close to porting this to Dingux:

Originally announced here: http://crankgaming.blogspot.com/2010/06/exult-ultima-7-on-dingux.html

And discuss more here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-development/exult-ported-play-ultima-7-on-dingux/msg16526/

Looks like many have been trying to get this up for quite some time; hopefully success will result in a release soon!:




  1. Good luck! This game rocks and sucks on the SNES emulator!

  2. OK. That is officially awesome. I played that game to death when it was out originally. It beats the hell out of the JRPGs on the consoles.


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