Oldplay v1.11 for Dingux

Oldplay v1.11 for Dingux
April 29,2010

the gama has updated Oldplay again


- Added aac plugin based on FAAD2.
- Added SC68 plugin.
  * Please copy the Replay folder and the config.txt file */
- Fixed error when searching for TFMX sample files in UADE.
- Fixed subtune support in UADE.
- Fixed audio issue when song ended in UADE.
  (But is still present in subtunes  ).
- Switched to stereo sound in UADE.
- Added HOLD switch support, by default when you press it
  the keys will be locked and the screen will turn off.

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/(release)-oldplay-v1-10-for-dingux/msg13766/?topicseen#new

Author/Porter: the gama
Download: http://www.filefront.com/16307677/oldplay-dingux-v1.11.zip

Thanx Dingoonity!


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