MIDPath 4 Dingoo v0.3

MIDPath 4 Dingoo v0.3
May 27, 2010

rookie1 has updated his most excellent MIDPath port app on the Dingux!

MIDPath 4 Dingoo v0.3

Author/Porter: rookie1


I've released MIDPath 4 Dingoo v0.3. You can download it from http://code.google.com/p/midpath4dingoo/downloads/list

- Changed Midlet Suite Manager to display larger Midlet icons
- Force quit by using Start + Select + R
- Add a flag to use Nokia E61 style keypad (key '5' is mapped to 'g')
- Fixed a bug in image rotation causing graphics corruption
- Other fixes


Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/midpath-4-dingoo-v0-3/


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