Magic Dingoo Ball

[RELEASE] MagicDingooBall v1.0

« on: Today at 01:37:48 PM »

Sup yo, I'm getting really tired, so I'll put this out there before I fall asleep at the keyboard.
Thanks to darfgarf for shitloads of help.

Remember that Magic 8-Ball you had when you were little? Now you can have this awesome piece of high-tech software on your Dingoo.

  • On the bus and wondering if you should punch that filthy chav in the face? MagicDingooBall!
  • On a boat and wondering if you should ride on a dolphin? MagicDingooBall!

It's Dingoolicious!
Get it while it's still hawt:
Source is included. Exits on any keypress.
Protip: You can replace the images with your own if you don't like the ones I spent a total of 10 minutes on making Wink

News courtesy of Dingoonity.


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