Hello Dingoonity

HelloDingoonity v1.0
May 13, 2010

Looks like we have another developer on our hands...xdpirate


Yoyoyo! After almost going nuts, I finally got the Dingux toolchain working, so here's my first killer app. Shoutout to Darfgarf (SUPAR DEV) and mth for actually bothering to help me with getting the toolchain up and running.

HelloDingoonity v1.0!

This is a super-high-tech killer app everyone must have on their Dingoo. I won't go into more detail here, download it and see for yourself!

(And pretty please, don't spoil the surprise for those who haven't downloaded it! )

Get the juicy goodness that is mah supreme application here

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/(release)-hellodingoonity-v1-0/


Thanx again!


  1. DONT DO IT!! its a dingoo roll!! you've been warned!!

  2. "This is a super-high-tech killer app everyone must have on their Dingoo. I won't go into more detail here, download it and see for yourself!

    (And pretty please, don't spoil the surprise for those who haven't downloaded it! )"

    ... kind of messages that look like a fake ...


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