Dingux Toolchain for Windows

Dingux Toolchain For Windows
May 30, 2010

SCiENcE has released a Dingux Toolchain for Windows.


I finally finished the Dingux Toolchain for Windows. You can now code for Dingux using Windows.

Downloads & Instructions

To all News sites: Please don't link directly to the downloads, just because without instructions this is useless.
Please link to my Site!


Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingux-releases/dingux-toolchain-for-windows-1703/



  1. I got this error on windows 7 64 bits:
    /dingux/mipsel-linux-uclib/lib/libSDL.so: file not recognized: File format not recognized
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [viewimage] Error 1
    Could you help me?


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