And don’t forget this one … it’s a Letcool!


Different CPU than the Dingoo – a Sunplus 8000, which can do this:

Oh my, i almost started to am drooling all over the new Sunplus 8000 media chip that is soon to come out. The Sunplus 8000 chipset will be a tri core chip with a ARM926, DSP and 3D graphic engine all built into one low priced (read CHEAP) chip. The chip will be capable of playing hi res videos that are up to a resolution of 1280×720, this is something that we have not yet seen in any Chinese MP4 Player and for the most part in any other PMP from anywhere else.


It supports 8 bit NES(FC) GB GBC ,16 bit SNES (SFC)SEGA MD,32bit GBA Bin; but the clincher, if there is one, is a nice large 3.5” screen!

Read more (and stay tuned) here: and here and here



  1. Aesthetically this looks like what the Dingoo A330 should've been....

  2. has this been released yet ? What price point will it be ?

  3. Where can I get one of those? I'm not wanting to buy it but compare it's capabilities to the Dingoo A320. And I also want to know who's doing this and how much it cost.


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