Alekmaul posts update to MAME4ALL for native

Mame4All Dingoo OS Native V1.0

« on: Today at 10:14:46 AM »

New version 1.0.
Here is the change log :


V1.0 : 13/05/2010
+ Add new games for Classic
+ Add new games for Capcom
+ Add new games for Konami
+ Change mameVector to mameVectSega and add all sega games
+ Add Deast+Irem, Atari+Namco, Others mame .app files
+ Change default sound freq to 22050
+ Return to menu when exiting a game
# Change key X to key B to return to menu (on config screen)
+ Hiscore saving and configuration saving added
+ Add CPU overclocking -> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!!

Of course, it's for OS native and actually, you have more than 2000 games to test.
Just read readme.txt and FAQ.txt files for all you need to test Mame4ALL !

Available here : Mame4All OS Native
Warning, lots of games hang the Dingo !!!

Source code is also available, if someone can help me for compatibility and memory management (too much games need lots of memory)

News courtesy of Dingoonity!


  1. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!


    Thanks Alekmaul!!!!

    Please, Think about Picodrive (native) and FBA (native)! ThanKs!!!

  2. yeees picodrive native and FBA native would be truely awesome. Anyway thank you soo much for mame for the native os


    A video of compatible MAME roms running on the native os.

  4. Copy and paste the above link.


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