Wolfenstein 3d – Alekmaul’s Native port

Wolfenstein 3D V1.0
April 21,2010

Alekmaul has ported Wolfenstein 3D to the native OS


Here is a port of Wolfenstein 3D for Dingoo Native OS.

This is a port of Id Software great title Wolf3D. You can use shareware and retail
version of each each (you have sub directories for each game). I give you shareware
versions, don't ask me about retail versions, they are still (c)opyright.
So you need to find yourself .SOD and .WL6 files for retail versions.

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoo-releases/wolfenstein-3d-v1-0/msg13490/?topicseen#new

Author/Porter: Alekmaul
Download: http://www.portabledev.com/modules/download_gallery/dlc.php?file=430&id=1271869465

Cheers to Dingoonity!


  1. OH MY GOSH! If I am right, that means I can play Wolf3D the PC game on my TV now! That would be incredible! Thanks regardless! Keep the ports coming! I love you!

  2. Thanks Alekmaul!

    I only play Spear share and full SOD files, and Wolf3D wl1 files... I didn't play Wolf3D full version (wl6 files). I downloaded the full game of two diferent sites, but they did't work... why? The archives wl6 are the same... but didn't work...

  3. thank you so much Alekmaul! I also love your SMS emulator which is absolutely fantastic. Can you port some better SNES or MD emulator for the native firmware ? anyways keep up the good work it is really appriciated

  4. Your amazing everyone goes dingux and i cant thank you for doing stuff native your the best.Its people like you that keep it alive.

  5. This is incredible! Keep up the good work, Alekmaul!

  6. YeAh!!!
    pLEASE, make A Mega drive (genesis) or SNES emu on native


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