Spoout v3

Spoout V3
April 17,2010

Alekmaul has updated his spout port


V3.0 : 17/04/2010
  + change to new dingoo_sdk (thanks flatmush and harteex ^^)
     so now, spoout can work with all a320 models  !
  + add highscore management (5 scores saved in spoout.sav)

Discuss it here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoo-releases/spoout-v3/msg13256/?topicseen#new

Author/Porter: Alekmaul
Download: http://www.portabledev.com/modules/download_gallery/dlc.php?file=428&id=1271487756


  1. It'd be nice to have at least a description of what this game is. A video would be even better.

  2. It's so tiny that it would be easier just to try it out. But anyway, you're a little square "ship" that has to shoot out particles to propel yourself. Very quickly, you'll find that there are walls which you must destroy by shooting your particles at them while still maintaining control of your ship.


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