Open Beats of Rage for Dingux released

Again, from Dingoonity news:

OpenBOR Dingux Port Released!
December 16, 2009

Shin-NiL finally released his OpenBOR port for Dingux! Go Grab it now!

Hello guys! Finally done!

OpenBOR Dingux Port v0.1 - First Release - 15/12/2009

This is a port of OpenBOR for Dingoo-linux, based on v3.0 build 2504.

- Copy the OpenBOR directory somewhere on your filesystem
- Set your menu launcher to execute ./OpenBOR.dge
- Copy yours paks files to the "Paks" directory
- Have fun!

Note: Only tested with latest Elta rootfs (20091208)

Special Thanks
- Brazilian Dingoo Community
- Dingoonity folks

Source Code:,0,0,0,46,238

Release Thread:

OpenBOR for Dingux
Author/Porter: Shin-NiL
Download: Download it here


  1. Need a little help. I launch the openbor.dge, I see the open BOR graphic, then it jumps right back to the dingux menu.

    Any advice?

  2. Do you have any .paks in the PAK folder? Just a thought... maybe that would cause it to reset.

  3. Yeah, I have two .pak's in the PAK folder.

  4. add to the post, the paks dream cast and psp work best in dingoo because of the amount of RAM.


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