New Dingux Dual Boot installation video

Getting dual boot on is the hardest part of Dingux.  This new video from whosaywho might ease the pain:


  1. This dude is da man. He is the ONLY member on the planet that here's our crys for help when needed. Thanks again dude. hehe

  2. This is still complicated,wish it just was a tad easier

  3. The video is nice and appreciated. But that isn't really the tricky part. Once you get Dingux dual booting, there is simply no good way for me to reliably format a MicroSD card. They quickly become corrupt and require reformating. If there is a fix, that would be the video I would appreciate seeing.

  4. Try using different SDCARD it might work. I wouldn't be surprised if you have a KINGSTON SDCARD. I hope it will work for you.

  5. To ALL complainers. You guys are asking wayy tooo much from this man. This dude went out of his personal life to create and share with the Dingoo community on how to duleboot video.If ur looking 4 a easy way out by someone giving u the tools, do ur self a favor, reserach it ur self. Appreciate it. don't cry like a little sissy woman. Give credit where credit is due.

  6. I did this step by step, after installing the dual bott installer, I never got any display on my dingoo. Waited 5 minutes, disconnected the usb and my dingoo seems completely dead. Won't turn on, no display when charger is plugged in....nothing at all DEAD. Any fix for that?

  7. Whew, my dingoo is okay. Thanks to support from Dingoo-Digital-USA, all I had to do to recover was to hold the reset down for 40 seconds and my dingoo is back to normal. He also recommended not to flash the dingoo with a Vista machine (like I did). All is good again in dingoo-land.

  8. I thought my SD card was getting corrupted and wouldn't boot, but it turns out that the screen was just defaulting to its lowest brighness setting.

    If your boot is going to a blank screen, try pressing "X" to bring the brightness up.


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